Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Frock Around the Clock

After almost a year out from the Frock Around the Clock vintage fairs, RJL will be back again on Sunday 6th November at Holiday Inn in Belfast...eeek so excited to be part of this amazing event again :)


The latest in the magpie collection is a vintage key necklace....i love love love these amazing keys collected by my beautiful friend Claire....she definitely makes the necklace look fab <3

Magpie is a collection from RJL where you design your own piece of jewellery. If you have any treasured bits and pieces that you love and would like made into a unique and custom made piece of wearable jewellery just send me an email info@rjldesigns.co.uk

Sunday, 11 September 2011

In love with the 60's

RJL is simply loving the 60's at the minute....Twiggy is just fabulous and soo beautiful....this is giving me a great idea for a photoshoot....watch this space my lovelies <3